Ideas for some non-fiction writing
- If I could travel back in time I would go to....
- Choose an action that a person or group has done and tell us all about it.
- Describe you favourite Aunty or Grandmother, Uncle or Grandad
- Write a review about your favourite film.
- If you could meet any famous person -who would it be and why?
- If you could change one thing in the world what would you change and why ( NOT TO DO WITH MONEY).
Try one of these story starters...
1. Once upon a time there was a frog that ate a $5 note...suddenly...
2. I could hear the wind howling and the windows rattling...
Write a Haiku
A Japanese verse form of three unrhyming lines in five, seven, and five syllables. It creates a single, memorable image, as in these lines by Kobayashi Issa.On a branch floating downriver a cricket, singing.
Use the concepts 'Change and Impact' to inspire your writing...
Use one of these ideas to start a piece of writing:
1. If I could be an ANIMAL, I would be a ... ( insert animal) because....
2. What is really important to you, write about it and tell us why.
3. If you could go back in time, what would you change and why?
4. If you had a million dollars what would you do with it?
5. A fairy tale rewrite e.g. The 3 big bad pigs and the friendly wolf.

Use this image to inspire a piece of writing
Write a day in the life of an animal of your choosing, from the animals point of view.
What is a Cinquain?
A cinquain poem is a verse of five lines that do not rhyme. The cinquain poem was created by Adelaide Crapsey.What is the structure of a cinquain?
A cinquain consists of five unrhymed lines.
Each line has a set number of syllables see below:
Line 1: 2 syllables
Line 2: 4 syllables
Line 3: 6 syllables
Line 4: 8 syllables
Line 5: 2 syllables
Line 2: 4 syllables
Line 3: 6 syllables
Line 4: 8 syllables
Line 5: 2 syllables
Some examples
My mum (2 syllables)
Is so caring (4 syllables)
She is always helpful (6 syllables)
She is so beautiful and kind (8 syllables)
Love you. (2 syllables)
Is so caring (4 syllables)
She is always helpful (6 syllables)
She is so beautiful and kind (8 syllables)
Love you. (2 syllables)
red, delicious
crunching, chewing, eating
my favourite snack
Fat-cat, Hairy nuisance Sprawling over bedsheets Crowding limited sleepspace with Blubber.
With swift Great sweep of her Magnificent arm my pain Clanged back the doors that shut my soul From life.
Write your own cinquain about someone you know or choose your own topic.
Write an interesting paragraph using simile; compare yourself to an animal. Start with "I am" e.g. I am a snake...I slither from place to place. I have a big mouth but can be easily charmed.
Describe what human beings are like to an alien from another planet.
Use this image and write a creative adventure story or poem or in the moment descriptive piece.
If I was Prime Minister for the day...
The scariest time in my life: Write an in the moment, descriptive piece about something scary that happened to you. Take the reader on a journey, describing the sounds, sights and feelings you had.
Write about a family tradition. This could be what you do at Christmas, birthdays or another special celebration or just a wacky thing your family does. Tell the reader all about using descriptive language to take us there.
Choose a book from the national library books. Write a book review about the book. What would be useful for? What is it about and your opinion of the book?
Story Starters: As I signed off from twitter I wondered what the effect of my tweet would have...what have I done!

Poem or article or argument about the importance of loving yourself. You could write about the negative impact of advertising on telling us how we look. What do you think?
NARRATIVE: I gazed in the mirror and sighed. I wish I looked....
What is your opinion of changing the NZ flag? Write a paragraph telling us your thoughts.
Write a narrative/news report/recount about What happens next? What might have happened? Your thoughts on these images....

Sentence starters..... choose one to start your story...
(1) My inner voice once told me that.....
(2) When I went back and checked .....
(3) Oh that's right, well at least I think thats what happened! Let me fill you in...I'll start from the start...
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