Sunday, May 10, 2015

Week 4 General Knowledge Quiz

General Knowledge Science Quiz
  • Use any research materials to find the answers to these questions - mark Friday
  • Work in a group with other students you have NOT worked with yet
  • Record your answers in the back of your writing book

  1. Where would seagulls most typically be found?
  2. Canis Major is also known as what?
  3. What is Neptune’s main satellite?
  4. Do we have rapid eye movement when we sleep?
  5. What mechanical device allows the wheels of a vehicle to turn at different speeds when cornering?
  6. Which of these is NOT the natural habitat of the tiger? Sumatra, Russia, India, Africa.
  7. What type of being is a cicada?
  8. What name is given to a compound of carbon and hydrogen? Hydroxide, Hydroxyl or Hydrocarbon.
  9. What is the most common name for decompression sickness?
  10. ‘General Sherman’ in California, USA, is the name of a what?
  11. Absolute zero is at what temperature celsius?
  12. What is the most abundant element in the universe?
  13. What is most attracted by a magnet?
  14. What is a bergamot?
  15. Do pukeko eat shoots, leaves and grasses, or insects, spiders and worms?
  16. What colours are on a monarch chrysalis?
  17. Dichromacy is a form of what?    
  18. What does a  Mohs Scale measure?  
  19. What is the third planet from the sun?
  20. Entomology is the study of what?   

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